星度翻译整理—习近平昨天在金砖国家工商论坛主旨演讲前四段![]() 星度翻译整理9月3日下午主旨演讲前四段,关于厦门的回忆: 尊敬的特梅尔总统、尊敬的祖马总统,尊敬的各位来宾,各位工商界的代表,女士们,先生们,朋友们:下午好! Your Excellency President Michel Temer, Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma, distinguished guests, the presenters of the business community, ladies and gentlemen ,dear friends , good afternoon! 很高兴同大家相聚在风景怡人的“鹭岛”厦门。这个地方过去聚集了很多白鹭,所以被称之为“鹭岛”,白鹭也是厦门的市鸟。明天,金砖国家领导的人会晤就要拉开帷幕。我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,我也代表厦门市的市民,并以我个人的名义,对各位嘉宾来厦门表示热烈的欢迎,向参加会议的各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎! It is my great pleasure to have all of you with us in the beautiful city of Xiamen, renowned as the Egret Island, it used to be the habitat of a lot of Egrets hence the name Egret Island ,the bird egret is the city bird of Xiamen, the BRICS Summit will be held tomorrow, On behalf of the Chinese government and people, and also the people of Xiamen city , and in my own name, I warmly welcome all of you to the city of Xiamen and the Business Forum. 我先介绍一下厦门。厦门自古就是通商裕国的口岸,也是开放合作的门户,大厦之门,顾名思义,正所谓“厦庇五洲客,门纳万顷涛”。1985年我来到福建省工作,在福建省工作了17年半,厦门是我的第一站。当时的厦门身处中国改革开放前沿,是先行先试的经济特区。当时的经济特区三个在广东,深圳、珠海、汕头;一个在福建,就是厦门。当时这里是中国开发开放的一片热土,也是一片发展的热土。30多载春风化雨,今天的厦门也是脱胎换骨、凤凰涅槃。今天它已经发展成一座高素质的创新创业之城,新兴产业所占比重在60%以上,新经济新产业快速发展,贸易投资并驾齐驱,海运、陆运、空运通达五洲。今天的厦门也是一座高颜值的生态花园之城,人与自然和谐共生。 Let me say a few words about the city,our host city. Xiamen has been a trading port since ancient times as well as a gateway of China's Opening-up and external cooperation. Embracing the vast ocean,the city has hosted visitors from around the world. On a personal note, when I came to Fujian Province to take up a new post in 1985, I stayed about ten years(此处同声翻译错译,错译为大约10年) in this province, Xiamen is where I started off, at that time Xiamen was one of the four Special Economic Zones in China. Back then, Xiamen was at the forefront of China's reform and opening-up endeavor as one of the earliest Special Economic Zones.The other three were in Guangdong Province: Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou Cities, and Xiamen is one of the four. At that time, it was a hot land of development. Three decades later, Xiamen today has been transformed and has taken on a new look, that is well known for its innovation and entrepreneurship. As I understand, the share of new economy takes over 60% of the economy as was told by the mayor and provincial leaders, and there were robust trade and investment and easy access to the world with airlines and sealines. Xiamen Airline is performing very well,Well today, it is also a beautiful garden city with a perfect harmony between man and nature. 厦门地处福建南部,称为闽南地区。这里的方言比较独特,我在这里待了这么多年,我能听懂,但是我不会讲。闽南民众常说,“爱拼才会赢”,这其中蕴含着一种锐意进取的精神。厦门这座城市的成功实践,折射着13亿多中国人民自强不息的奋斗史。 Xiamen is in the southern part of Fujian , the dialect here is very unique, I stayed a lot of years here , I can understand some but I don't speak a word,there is a popular saying here in southern Fujian “dedicate yourself and you will win”, this embodies an enterprising spirit, Xiamen’s success is a good example demonstrating the perseverance of the 1.3 billion plus Chinese people.